Thursday, December 18, 2008


Jesus, I thank You
For staying in the tabernacle
To be with me
And to hear my prayers

You are my best friend
I want to visit You often
And tell You that I love You.

O Sacrament, most holy,
O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving
Be every moment Thine!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Dear Jesus,
I thank You
For each day of my life
It is a gift from You.

Help me to use it well
To serve You
And the people I meet each day

Thank You especially for this day
Which is my birthday
My special day

It reminds me
Of the great love You have for me –
A love that gave me life
And many other good things

Grant me always Your love
That I may grow
In wisdom, knowledge, and grace
With every passing day

When my life on earth is over,
Take me to heaven
To live with You forever.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Dear Saint N.,
I have been honored to bear your name
Which you made famous by you holiness
Help me never to shame this name

Obtain God’s grace for me
That I may grow in faith, hope and love
And all the virtues

Grant that by imitating you I may imitate
Your Lord and Master Jesus Christ

Watch over me all my life
And bring me safe to my heavenly home.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Jesus, I thank You for the many things
You give me that make my life happy

You give me the little animals
To be my companions

They remind me
Of how much You care for me

I want to be kind to my pets
And to all animals
Because You made them to give You glory.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Dear Jesus
I thank You for the many things
You gave me each day
To make me happy

The radio brings me the music I like
Television lets me see beautiful things
That You have made in the world

Let me learn from the good things
That I see and hear
But keep me from watching
Whatever may harm my soul

Teach me to enjoy Your many gifts
And use them to help me
Love You more
And serve You better

May my greatest joy be in You
My best Friend

When I study or work or play
Let it be all for You.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Dear Jesus,
I thank You for the toys
That my parents buy for me

When You were a Child,
I am sure that You also had toys
That Your Mother Mary and St. Joseph gave You.

When I play with my toys
I feel very happy
And close to You
Dear Jesus

I know
That many children in the world are poor
And have no toys to play with
Please help these children

Help me to thank my parents
For the nice things they buy for me
By praying for them

All they want is that I love them
And try hard to be very good.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Dear Lord,
This day is a gift from You
Let me make good use of it

Help me to do what I have to do
So that I may grow in body, mind and soul

Everyday, let me know You more,
Love You deeper
And serve You better
So that I may be happy with You
Forever in heaven

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Dear Lord,
Sunday is a special day
It is set aside for us to thank You and praise You
Especially at Holy Mass

Help me to rest from the usual things I do
And think about God and the things of God

Make everyone in my family be happy
And let us be good to other people.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Lord God,
I give You thanks
For letting me live
In this great land
Which is filled with good things

Thank You
For letting me free
To live in peace
And to worship You without fear

Take care of our President
And let him/her be a good ruler

Watch over our other leaders in government
And help them to make just laws.

Help all the citizens of our country
For follow Your holy Will
And to live in love for each other
And for You

Let us enjoy this holiday
By being refreshed in mind and body
So that we may continue to serve you
Every day of our lives.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


My Lord Jesus,
I am especially happy today
And I thank You that I feel so good

I also thank You
For all the great things
You have done for me

Keep me close to You
Until I am with You in heaven
Where my joy will never end

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Dear Jesus,
I am sad but I offer my pain to You
Because You suffered on the Cross for me.

When I do something wrong,
Help me always to admit it
And take my punishment.

You are my best friend
When I need help
I know You will never leave me.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Dear Jesus,
I thank You
For the good mother and father
You gave me

I thank You
For my brothers and sisters
For my home
For my food and clothes
And for all the good things I receive.

Bless my parents
For all they do for me
Give them grace and health
Now on earth.

Then in heaven
Give them a great reward –
Give them Your own dear Self

Give our family peace and love
So that we may have a happy home
Help us to do Your will
And meet in heaven again.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Dear Jesus,
You were once a child like me
And had friends to play with You.

Bless me and all the friends You gave me.
Help us to be kind to each other
When we play

Keep us all from that is bad
That we may all be Your friends
And be pleasing to our Heavenly Father.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Dear Jesus,
I want to study hard for You,
Because this is what You want.

Send me Your Holy Spirit
To give me light and help
In all my studies
Especially in my Catechism.

I want You to be
My best Friend.
Take me to heaven someday.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayer on Mary's Feast

Blessed Virgin Mary
Jesus gave you to me,
As my Mother
When He was dying on the Cross.

I want to love you as Jesus did

I pray to you in these words:
Hail Mary full of grace!
The Lord is with you;
Blessed are you among women,
And blessed is the fruit
of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour
of our death, Amen.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Jesus my God,

For love of me,
You were born of the Virgin Mary,
And became a child like me.

You wanted to work and suffer,
And even to die on the Cross,
To show Your love for me
And to save my soul.

When I look into the crib,
I ask You, May and Joseph
To bless my family

When I see the beautiful Christmas tree,
With lights and ornaments
I think of how beautiful my soul should be
In the grace of God
And that I will life forever.

When I see the toys I received,
I think of the many wonderful things
You have done for me.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Prayer Before Easter Sunday

Jesus, You are the Son of God,

And You rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

You saved us from sin and devil,
Brought us joy and peace,
And gave us new life and hope.

All the things God the Father
made on earth are beautiful:
the sun and sky, fields and meadows,
flowers and trees, birds and animals.

He made them all for His glory
And to make us happy.
But He did not make us for this world;
He made us for heaven.

I am a child of God.
You gave me Your own life of grace
In Baptism
My soul is more beautiful in Your eyes
Than the whole world.

Help me to praise the father
By being his loving child
And by loving You as my Brother.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Prayer Before Mass and Communion

Jesus my Lord,
You give Yourself to me
As Food in Holy Communion.
You offer Yourself for me
In every Holy Mass
As You did upon the Cross.

I adore You as my God
In the Sacrament of the Altar
Where Your Heart is all on fire
With deepest love for me.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Prayer Before Confession

Jesus, my Lord and my God
I am sorry for all my sins
Because they have offended You.

You died on the cross
Because of my sins.
I want to try hard
To keep away from sin,
So that I may always be Your friend
And show You that I really love You.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Prayer Before Going to Bed

My God and Father,

I thank You for all the blessings

You have given me today.

I am sorry for all my sins,

Because they have hurt You.

Bless my father and mother,

My brothers and sisters,

My relatives and friends,

And all who need Your help.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Prayer Before Meals

Bless us O Lord,

And these, Your gifts,

Which we are about to receive from Your goodness,

Through Christ our Lord,


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Prayer When Waking Up in the Morning

O my God
I offer You
Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary
All my thoughts, words and actions and sufferings
On this day.

I offer them
To please You, to honor You,
And to make up for my sins.

Sweet Mother Mary, Keep me in your care.